Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What's Happening in Portland?

Not only is this title a shameless rip off of my hubby's recent posting, but it just so happens that I actually read the Willamette Week for the first time in oh 100 years or so. And I learned lots of neat things. Like we still kick the butt in protesting. Check it out. And apparently, we try to test our protesters ever once in a while by sending in a reporter dressed as an anti protester just to see what will happen. My guess is that people will get angry.

And apparently a Tri Met bus driver let a 13 year old girl (who appeared to look like an 8 year old according to one scared and pissed off passenger) drive his transit bus for 1.5 miles! She actually made 3 bus stops. As a former bus driver I am impressed and give mad props to the girl. As for the driver he should be in jail and is at least being charged with reckless endangerment.

We are a bunch of Swede loving hypocrites. Yes, we will fight off McDonald's and Wal Mart with blood, sweat, and tears, but dangle some cheap, ready to assemble, cute furniture and we are yours. Yes IKEA is coming to Portland and while as a business they have a fairly decent track record, they are still a BIG business, threatening local sellers and promoting easy, fun consumerism. The city is wringing its collective hands and once again moaning about tax subsidies going to the corporate world.

Other good stuff, includes getting really close to actually passing laws that mandate that health care plans cover birth control and a bill that will mandate businesses of over 25 people to provide women with the necessary breaks to pump breast milk.

All in all, an exciting week here in Stumptown.


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