Minding Mizz
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I hate politics
I have done my civic duty today, that is assuming I make it to a mailbox or ballot drop off site in the next couple of days. But it was a vexing task. As usual, Oregon likes to put every decision into a measure for the people to decide. Unfortunately, it seems that any fool with an agenda and some cash to spend can get an item on the ballot. And the problem is made worse when it is the state legislature that crafts shortsighted and ultimately unfair legislation. The specifics: It seems that if you care about uninsured children's health care, you have to vote yes for Measure 50 which both changes the state constitution and unfairly places the sizable burden on the backs of smokers with a hefty tobacco tax increase. Not only is it a cheap and easy way for the lawmakers to round up some money (everyone hates smokers, except for smokers), if it passes it will effectively put tax code into the constitution which as far as I can tell isn't the document's purpose. Basically, as Dave (my very own political pundit) points out, it is a cop out since the Democrats were not able to muster enough political support for the initial bill and thus sought out the amendment initiative which requires less support--only a majority of the vote versus 2/3 percent in both houses. I see his point but am definitely more focused on the end results than how they got there. In the end, I decided this stunt is no more different than any of the other bills with unrelated add ons. And ultimately, if it means less people smoke and children are insured, I'll live with the consequences of a slightly more unwieldy constitution and a heavier burden on those that choose to continue to smoke.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I have sucessfully managed to fight the urge to shop all week. I don't know whether it is the hormones, anxiety, spotty fall weather, or boredom but on Tuesday I was sure that I needed to buys linens of all shapes and sizes, yesterday I was convinced that I should go check out the maternity/baby store, and today well, I just thought I pick up a few things at Target. But a sobering glance at few bills and the admittance that I am powerless to say no once I am in a store, sent me and Max to the park instead with not a single cent between us. Like any craving except for french fries and ice cream, this one will pass I am sure. I'm going to go occupy my hands with the hat I am knitting for Mizz and that will help too.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Two Year Old Marinade
In searching for a sauce to dump into me olde crock pot today I came across not one but two bottles of marinade that were two years past their expiration date. Does this happen to other people? How can something sit in my cupboard that long? This might relate to my previous post about knitting, instead it is me at the grocery story buying things with good intentions but no real plan. So two questions remain: 1) What am I going to do about my relentless wasting of food (and money)? and 2) Can I still use the marinade that as Dave just pointed out is probably in fact at least three years old by now? I suppose I could finally get serious and start actually making menus for the week ahead of time. I may have to start small though, with just one or two planned entrees at first. I am pregnant and well, I am me. Between sudden onset food aversions and riotous cravings planning what I may want to eat next Thursday seems somewhat daunting. In true stereotypical fashion I ate pickles (that were probably over two years old as well) triscuits, and cheese at 9:00 this morning. And now twelve hours later I just polished off two cranberry orange muffins and am moderately pondering a third. So yes, anyway, menu planning in small doses seems reasonable. As for the old sauce, I'm gonna chuck it and accept the feelings of guilt.
Elastic waist pants here I come
Yesterday I broke down and pulled out my maternity clothes. Not that I can't still squeeze into my clothes or do the old hair elastic trick but really, I just want to be comfortable at this junction. I have three cute pair of early maternity pants that are going to rock for my 10 hour days at daycare.
I also broke out of my knitting funk by going to my knitting group and seeing what other people were doing. As another example of how knitting is a metaphor for life, I have sworn to no longer buy yarn without having a plan of what to do with it. No matter how beautiful the yarn is, it is crazy to buy it in some random amount with the idea that I will do something with it.
Today is a day of scheduling, I have to line up several babysitters for Dave's upcoming two and a half week trip, make a dentist appointment for Mizz, and figure out how to get us two flu shots with the least effort possible.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Could he be any sweeter?
Mizz showered his grandparents with affection this week. I am so grateful and proud that he has this capacity at what seems like such a young age. He acted like he sees them every week instead of every 3-6 months. And they soaked it up and spent hours playing legos, reading books, doing puzzles, and crafting play doh masterpieces all while this mama lounged on the couch. It was particularly endearing to watch Mizz shoot hoops with his Grandpa, who somehow managed to coax Mizz out of his taking turns hang up. Mizz's unsolicited hug and "I love you Grandpapa" might have been the sweetest moment of the weekend. Other trip highlights included Mizz's complete awe of the candle lit dining room at the steakhouse we went to the first night and the two hour two mile trip we took leaving the pumpkin patch.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Hey look at me!
I'm blogging! With my folks in town and Mizz and pregnancy I haven't had a moment to write. Yep, that's right, for those of you that don't know, I am pregnant with Wonder Baby #2. It's early (I'm only eight weeks) and Dave didnt't think I should go public yet with the news. But I am of the opinion that keeping it secret "just in case" feels too much like pessimism. Unlike my last pregnancy, I am going to try really hard to just assume all is well unless I hear some pretty substantive evidence to the contrary. Besides if you can't blog about morning sickness and holy god I just signed up for two years of crappy sleep, what can you blog about? There it feels good to come clean.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
It's only Tuesday
Mizz iz trying to suck the life out of me this week. Strike everything I said about him developing a conscience and replace it with he may be turning into a fledging sociopath. It seems that he is taking increasing pleasure in doing the very things that he knows he is not supposed to do. And while some can be ignored, some cannot and then the question remains "how do you discipline effectively a seemingly unflappable toddler?" Stern anger doesn't work. Neither do time outs or "go sit in the corners". Forget about reasoning, Mizz usually turns it around and says things like "I want to tip over" or "I want to rip the book". In talking to other mom friends, I realize that this is all well within his toddler prerogative but still I would love to figure out how to make it through the day with my sense of humor still intact. I did just finally figure out that it is likely he is sprouting his two year molars, so I can cling to the well loved excuse/hope that all of this can be explained by teething and will disappear once they have sprung.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I'm Back from Chicago!
Actually I got back late Monday night but has been so bone tired that something had to give. Sorry blog. I had a great visit with Alma and her family and enjoyed some fantastic fall weather. I got in lots of cuddles with little Baby A and was amused often by Z's jokes and plain ole silliness. Re-entry back into the homestead was smooth as well. Mizz took my return in stride and I have now logged hundreds of hours playing legos to make up for my absence. We went to the OMSI today where Mizz repeated over and over that "We need to take turns and share our toys". He also stopped himself from touching a picture on the wall today. I can see his little conscience developing and it is pretty remarkable...and much awaited. Maybe one day I won't have to shadow his every move.